The Birds

The Birds

Bourbon Red Turkey

All domestic turkeys descend from wild turkeys. They are raised not only for their meat, but also for their fun and quirky characteristics. Click below to see our stock and read more about our heritage bred Bourbon Red Turkeys.

Muscovy Duck

While native to the Americas, we enjoy raising domestic Muscovy ducks on the farm for the purpose of meat production. We also enjoy their unique coloration and watching them with interact with our other waterfowl. Click below to see our ducks and read more.

Heritage Breed Chickens

We have a variety of chickens on the farm for the purpose of egg and meat production. One of our most enjoyable hobbies is creating unique egg coloration, from dark green, to maroon, to baby blue! Click below to see our chickens and read more.

Sebastopol Goose

Sebastopol geese bond well with chickens and “guard” their flocks, honking when any predators are approach. Our Sebastopol geese are breed for conservational purposes as they are a threatened species, but were originally created as a meat bread. Click below to learn more about our geese.

Further Reading
